Monday, August 18, 2008

Bistro Virgins

The Bistro was quite busy this past weekend! The usual crowd was present on Friday night but Saturday evening brought Bistro virgins to the Canadian establishment. They ordered one of the favorites at the Bistro that has in a way become the Bistro's signature dish. Carne Asada with Apple Poblano Slaw and brown Jasmine rice. The featured dessert was brought by one of the virgins and was competely organic in keeping with the healthy food that is a must at the Bistro. (Word has it that one of the owners could die if fed the wrong mixture of ingredients.)
Other weekend visitors to the Bistro were Norm's dad who was just released from the hospital this week after a nasty fall where upon he fractured his hip. Rumor has it he fell right on top of his wife after a very ardous chase around the dining room table. I guess she had the last laugh though, she escaped unscathed. Marge's sister was in town to help her mom and dad settle in after the long hospital stay of Marge's dad. Unfortunately, they did not call ahead and had to sit on the less than desirable front lawn of the Bistro which is lovely but just not the same as the seating with the scenic view in the back.

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