Sunday, June 26, 2011

New SchierZenn Logo

This Christmas was pretty exciting at the indoor SchierZenn Bistro. Dustin was downstairs operating the table saw, band saw and other assorted power tools for a very long time. Lots of noise, secrecy and excitement going on down there! Now, Dustin has come up with some pretty amazing (weird) things in the past while he has been working feverishly in the basement, so we are always cautious about our excitement. But this year he outdid himself by his inception of the new SchierZenn Bistro logo. We have been asking him for years to create this logo but I guess he needed to be in the spirit, and in the space. Maybe it was extra special because both he and his girlfriend from Brazil were here for an extended stay so everyone was living the Bistro life. Anyway, as you can tell from the picture, we were elated.

First, we were wondering what it was exactly. It looked musical, which we loved, but not quite sure what else it was. Then Dustin pointed out the S and the Z creatively entwined together to form the SchierZenn Logo. Genius.

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